Opting for Organic Surf Wax

In our quest to source out the best products for our shop, we found that there is a down side to surf wax. Most commercial surf waxes are made from paraffin, which is a by-product created when crude oil is refined. The resultant wax is not biodegradable and often has chemical additives that pose a risk to the environment. What is an eco-conscious surfer to do? Answer: seek out the organic brands. We are proud to say we have filled the void with an amazing organic brand of surf wax:
Matunas is an eco-friendly, non-soy-based surf wax made in Santa Cruz, California. All fragrances and ingredients, like strawberries and jasmine flowers, are locally sourced from their 25-acre organic farm. Their surf wax is non-toxic and biodegradable and packaged with 100% recycled paper.